Best Wireless Adapter 2020

Are you a proud desktop PC owner, who's just a bit salty that pcs for all their superior performance over laptops are just incapable of connecting to a Wi-Fi signal. well if this is you then you're in luck because in today's video we'll be talking about wireless adapters. What these handy little devices do is basically enable your PC to connect to a Wi-Fi signal be it from your router a hotspot or any other source. 

Wireless Adapter

If you've got more than one PC in your home chances are you had to be very creative about getting the ethernet cable to reach the second PC. Even if it's in an adjacent room - the one with the Rooter so, if you'd like to avoid potentially drilling holes in your walls, there's no device. 

we could recommend more than a wireless adapter just plug it in and you're good to go and to help set you on the right track. We'll be showcasing the five best wireless readers 20:19 has to offer across all price ranges and connection types so without any further ado and let's begin.

Netgear A 6100

First up we have a very basic and inconspicuous adapter from Netgear, the A 6100. It's basically just a USB stick with only the company logo and a WPS button on it, which makes it an excellent portable solution, that you can swap between multiple devices plus while they're most commonly used to best powers of Wi-Fi to a PC wireless adapter also work wonders with laptops with many models effectively. Increasing the range and stability of your signal your laptops picks up the 6100 is a dual-band adapter.

Meaning it operates onto Wi-Fi frequencies 2.4 gigahertz and 5gigahertz with the former boasting a speed of 150 megabits per second and the latter 433 megabits per second. This is far from being a jaw-dropping speed but it's still more than good enough for less performance demanding users. The adapter also uses beamforming technology which makes the signal that much stronger and more stable and as we've mentioned it's got WPS so connecting to your network is just a simple button press away. 

Overall the A 6100 is a very handy choice for anyone that's not looking to take their Wi-Fi game to the next level. Just make sure your Rooter is also dual-band because otherwise, you'll effectively only have 150megabits per second speed to contend with.

Netgear Nighthawk 87000

Now if you're looking for something a bit more powerful than the      NetgearNighthawk 87000 may just be the thing for you. It's a far less inconspicuous device to put it mildly, what with the bulky main body and a concealed external antenna but it more than makes up for it with its performance. In terms of speed it stands at an impressive 1.9 gigabits divided into six hundred and thirteen hundred megabits per second between the two frequencies plus it still uses beamforming.

In addition to the four antennae, we've mentioned making it one of the most stable and powerful long-range connections. The concealed external antenna are foldable meaning that the adapter will take up far less space when it's not being used plus you get to decide how to use it. As you can either plug it in directly into a USB port or you can attach it to the magnetic cradle that comes with it and plug the cradle.

 In this clever design makes it so that you can place the A7000 wherever you see fit. Despite the bulky exterior now granted this isn't exactly a budget-friendly wireless adapter. As far as adapter prices go but it sure does make the extra bucks worth it. So the only thing that it has going against it, is that like online Hawk products the design can be problematic for those who appreciate a more minimalistic aesthetic.

Belkin N300

The Belkin N300 is an adapter more akin to the A 6100 than anything else. It has the same USB stick design with all of its portability prospects and the WPS button for added convenience. So what sets it apart well it's a much more humble solution, that's for sure it's a single band adapter operating at 300megabits per second. Using dated 80211, wireless technology is also good.

well on a technical level it's certainly not the best but if you're looking for the most budget-friendly solution and this performance is within the ballpark of what you need then. It's fantastic granted it doesn't use beamforming so it won't land you at the most stable signal at long distances but then again it'll only set you back $7 suit the only problem that remains is the dated drivers. 

The official drivers for the N300 don't fully support Windows 10 which is the version of Windows. We assume most of you are using and as always this means that there is no guarantee that the device will function properly. All in all the 300 is a niche product but we can easily see situations where it's also the optimal choice and this at a very affordable price.


Now another thing that's important when it comes to wireless adapters is to make the distinction between internal and external adapters. The previous models were all external ones, meaning that they used a USB port.

The TP-link Archer T9E, however, is the first of the two internal wireless routers we'll be talking about in this post. Now what this means is that it uses a PCI Express lot to connect directly to the motherboard. obviously, this holds some implications like all devices that can be connected either via USB or PCI Express ports.

 It has a healthier connection speed when connected to the ladder to lay down the specs for you. The Archer T9E is a dual-band router with a maximum throughput of 1.9 gigabits of which 600 megabits per second. Contribute towards the 2.4gigahertz band and the rest towards the5 gigahertz brand. In addition to the 3external antenna, The adapter also uses beamforming for the most optimal connection stability. 

if you're looking for high-end performance, then only the last model on this list can top the Archer T9E. As for its shortcomings, it doesn't really have any just remember that it's incompatible with 
laptops. since you need to plug the adapter directly into the motherboard and of course it's not the most affordable adapter.


How better to close off this list and with Asus is very own PCE AC 88. If you have an absolute feast of wireless Rooter and need an adapter that can keep up with the pace. Then you'll be astounded by what Asus has to offer. It's an unusual adapter, to say the least with the PCI Express card, that's separate from the main body of the adapter and connected by a 4R SMA cables. 

The external base that hosts the adapters for the detachable antenna is magnetized and can be easily placed wherever you see fit. So long as the cable length allows it of course so not only is finding the optimal placement for the adapter. Never an issue but you can also replace the antenna separately, should some of them damaged which is definitely a welcome feature in an adapter

This expensive as for how fast Wi-Fi is. let's just say that it has over three gigabits of speed to divide between the two frequencies. This means that even the lower 2.4gigahertz band can handle in upwards of thousand megabits per second, while the five gigahertz band gets to work with an impressive 20 100 megabits per second. 

It's the best of the best but that's exactly why it's not an adapter for everyone. You have to have an incredibly fast route or even consider buying this in the first place and even then it can be somewhat of a waste of money unless you really plan on getting the most out of it. Still, if unprecedented Wi-Fi speed is what you're looking for then the PCE AC88 will not disappoint.

How powerful and stable a signal you can expect

The adapter to provide this will depend mostly on the type and number of the antenna. The adapter has an internal antenna that is much more inconspicuous but they don't make for as stable a signal, As an external antenna do also the more antenna. There are the better off you'll be we have to emphasize. however, that internal antenna isn't bad at what they do. 

They're just better off use where there aren't too many walls between them and Rueter one wall. They can handle multiple not so much, so just remember to follow these steps before finalizing the purchase and you can't go wrong.

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